Recently, the American Red Cross partnered with for a video contest in which student entries included fire and babysitting safety. This kind of partnership is such a wonderful way to have students teaching students. asked for a video profiling the winning entries and showing how important and wonderful sharing information through technology can be.

Here it is!
For our Broadcast II Final, we had to create a video that describes ourselves and uses iMovie 11's trailer templates. I decided to create a video that used shots I had taken throughout my Ladue View Career to express who I am. I think it was a really fun and unique project, so check it out! Here is the video link, or check it out on the video tab of this website.
In addition to the other goings on from the month, I helped our Ladue Link Crew create a video to remind freshmen (and anyone else willing to watch) what good study habits look like. Thanks to my wonderful actors for their help, and I hope the video gets some kids on track for finals this year!

Click on the link above to access the video, or click right here.
This month has been a crazy, jam packed month full of lots of learning, shooting, editing and videos! I was lucky enough to be able to do a video on the annual Powder Puff game (a touch football game between senior and junior girls), produce a video on Hustle 4 Hunger (a 5k run in support of local food pantries), and also attend the ACTE national convention and broadcast it along with and ASU. Crazy. The videos from the convention, which include an interview  with world famous educator Sir Ken Robinson, and nationally recognized education advocate Ray McNulty, can be found on Ladue's page

To check out the videos on the Powder Puff game and Hustle 4 Hunger, click on the links. 
The article I wrote earlier this year on teen media literacy has been published on the Gateway Media Literacy Partners website. This is very exciting, and here it is!

Gateway Media Literacy Partners Website
This month I have been working on a fun one from the Acting for the Camera class here at Ladue. For their trip to the International Thespian Conference they wanted to submit a video that outlined good theater etiquette. Here it is... hope you enjoy!

Theater Etiquette Video
The Career Connections website, thanks to  ACTE 2011 National Convention Student News Bureau (affiliated with ASU), has published my Media Literacy blog to their website. Here it is! 

The Power to Connect

Exciting news, I am now officially a multimedia journalist and a part of our school's online newspaper production The Panorama. It's very cool and I look forward to creating more videos with written articles to accompany them.The first project I did was an article and video about an area wide Link Crew conference held at Ladue High School. Below is the link for The Panorama website and my page on it. :)

In addition, the October Ladue View is out, and it truly is a great edition. The link to that is also posted below. Enjoy!

Panorama Link
October Ladue View
Link Crew is a program here at Ladue that helps transition freshmen students from middle school to high school. As a part of the program, the upper classmen were trained to handle a discussion in freshman classes about bullying and the power of the bystander. The program is really cool, and growing all the time. Here is a link to the training.
My parking lot video is finished, but there are a couple of things I am going to do to enhance it. Making corrections is an important part of the process, and I want my work to be the best it can be. If it takes a few tweaks, that's what I'll do!